Simply, it means having visited every London parkrun at least twice. It can also be extended into Double Londone+ to include all the venues within the M25.
The green pins are the parkrun venues that I have visited more than once. The red pins are the venues that I have not visited more than once. As you can see, it is progressing nicely.
All venues within the M25 (London and London+)
- Greater London and London+ venues combined = 79
- Visited multiple times: 59
- Visited once: 20
- Never visited: 0
Greater London
- Greater London venues: 65
- Visited multiple times = 52
- Visited once = 13
- Never visited: 0
London+ additional venues (outside Greater London, but inside the M25)
- London+ venues: 14
- Visited multiple times = 7
- Visited once = 7
- Never visited = 0