Tuesday, 10 October 2017

Meridian Line parkruns

A list of all parkruns that are either on, or fairly close to the meridian line. For the record there are only two venues which the line actually passes through and only at one of these does the line cross the actual course.


All venues from South to North:

  • Peacehaven - passes through the town, just to the west of the parkrun venue
  • Malling Rec (Lewes) - passes about 500 metres to the west of the course
  • East Grinstead - Passes through the venue itself
  • Bromley - passes just to the west of the park
  • Beckenham - passes a few hundred metres from the course
  • Catford - passes less than a kilometre from the venue
  • Hilly Fields - passes approx 1.5km from the venue
  • Wanstead Flats - passes approx 1km from the venue
  • Hackney Marshes - pass approx  1.5km from the venue
  • Walthamstow - passes a few hundred metres from the venue
  • Gunpowder - Passes through the venue itself (course crosses the line)
  • Westmill - honourable mention - passes the east side of Ware
  • Boston - honourable mention - passes through the east side of the town
  • Cleethorpes - passes through the town, just to the east of the parkrun venue

Top tier: (line passes through the venue/course) (aka 'Direct Hit!')
  • East Grinstead (blog) (passes through venue)
  • Gunpowder (blog) (passes through the actual course)

Second tier: (line passes within a kilometre of the venue) (aka 'ooh, so close!')
  • Peacehaven (blog)
  • Malling Rec (blog)
  • Beckenham Place (blog)
  • Catford (blog)
  • Wanstead Flats (blog)
  • Walthamstow (blog)
  • Cleethorpes (no blog - not visited)

Third tier: (line passes over a kilometre from the venue but still in the locality)
  • Bromley (blog)
  • Hilly Fields (blog)
  • Hackney Marshes (blog)
  • Westmill (blog)
  • Boston (no blog - not visited)

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