Monday, 17 January 2011

Workouts - Week Commencing 10 January 2011

Monday 10 Jan: Chest and Triceps

Push Ups: 4 sets
Machine Flyes: 3 sets
Machine Press: 3 sets
Smith Machine Press: 3 sets
Tricep Extension (lying down): 3 sets
Tricep Pull downs: 3 sets

Tuesday 11 Jan: Back, Biceps and Shoulders

Pull Ups: 3 sets
Chin Ups: 3 sets
Seated Row: 3 sets
Cable Pull Downs: 3 sets
Dumbbell Curl-Press: 3 sets
Shoulder Press: 3 sets

Wednesday 12 Jan: Legs and Core

One Legged Machine Press: 3 sets
Calf Raises: 3 sets
Leg Curls: 3 sets
Leg Extension: 3 sets
Crunches: 3 sets

Thursday 13 Jan:

5km Treadmill Run (4.42 per km pace)

Friday 14 Jan:

5km Treadmill Run (5.02 per km pace)

Saturday 15 Jan:


Sunday 16 Jan:

10.39km Run (5.02 pace) Split Times - Map

I was aiming to run this at my 'easy' pace (5.19 - 5.38 per km) but I find it difficult to stay at that pace. I actually thought I was running a lot slower than my splits suggest.


A bit of tweaking needed here and there; move the weekday runs to non-consecutive days, the core workout was pretty poor, etc etc..

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