Sunday, 20 March 2011

Workouts - Week Commencing 14 March 2011


A combination of my train running late and a sore knee from the previous day's race turned this into a rest day.


Chest, Triceps, Shoulders and Legs
  • Push ups
  • Machine Flyes
  • Machine Chest Press
  • Machine Shoulder Press
  • Machine Leg Press (single legs and calf raises)


Interval Run (7.3km) on treadmill ( summary / no map )

1km Warm up
1 Minute Intervals
1km cool down
  • Fast at 3.45 - 4.00 min per km.
  • Recovery at 5.00 - 6.00 min per km.
  • Crunches (with 5kg Ball)


Back, Biceps and Legs
  • Machine Rows
  • Machine Pull Downs (both grips)
  • Barbell Curls
  • Machine Leg Press (Single Leg)
  • Machine Calf Raises
  • Crunches with 5kg Ball


Easy Run (5.4km) on treadmill ( summary / no map )


I had planned to take part in my first ParkRun but my daughter came down with gastroenteritis so we stayed in bed with her all day at my parents' house.


We were still away from home but as I had some of my gym clothes with me I thought I'd do 10k or so along the Thames. Sadly I screwed it up. Below is the list of things that either I did wrong or went wrong along the way.

- too fast at start (without a warm up jog) first two km splits were 3.45 / 4.10
- was too cold (only had my short shorts and short sleeved tech top)
- hurt right knee - IT Band, I think. (probably due to first point)
- uncomfortable holding phone in my hand (couldn't get a good arm swing going)
- earphones kept falling out
- accidentally turned off my GPS just after the 2km mark.
- was dizzy after run. Had swirly / fuzzy lines etc..

Hopefully I've learned some lessons. from that.

Anyway, I did approx 5.7km on the Thames Boomerang route. ( summary / map )

Music: Radiohead - The King of Limbs.


Overall, the week was good until I reached the weekend and screwed up the Sunday run. For the last few weeks my right IT band has been giving me grief. The left leg was originally the one with that problem, I have no idea what's going on. I'll keep the leg strengthening exercises going, make sure I stretch daily and always make sure I warm up PROPERLY for my runs. Then we'll see if things get any better.

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