Sunday, 13 March 2011

Workouts - Week Commencing 7 March 2011


Back and Biceps

2km on the treadmill - I was testing the possibility of starting recovery runs on Mondays after my long Sunday run. 2km is really long enough to bother. For now I'll probably stick with Monday being devoted to some kind of strength training.


I had a sudden urge to curl up into a ball just before my planned gym session - So I did just that. But then I had another urge to do something so did some bodyweight squats, walking lunges, pushups and a few things with my dumb-bells - Triceps and shoulders.


Interval Training on the treadmill

7km in total - This week I did intervals of 1 minute (with a couple of 2 minutes thrown in for variation) using 5 min per km as my recovery pace and 4 min per km as my fast pace.


Rest Day


5.1km treadmill run at fairly easy-moderate pace.

Then some strength work
  • Dumb-bell chest press
  • Skull Crushers


Rest Day - Although we did go for a walk, approx 6km. Also played a little bit of football with my niece and nephew.


Knole Park 10km Race - Details here

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