Friday 24 December 2021

Plant-based Egg Replacement

 Not really my thing to use plant-based egg replacement. For scrambled egg the best option I have found is some tofu fried with onion and various spices and turmeric. Anyway... I have tried one of the egg replacements.

Crackd: The No Egg Egg - (I haven't rated this at the moment - see below)

£4.00 / 490g bottle

I tried this out of curiosity. The first thing I did was add it to a bowl and use it as the egg part for some vegan chicken pieces that I was coating with crushed BBQ Pringles (while they were still vegan). For this it worked perfectly! Then I tried making scrambled egg / omelette with it in a frying pan. During the cooking process there was an awful smell which I just couldn't get over and in the end transferred the contents of the pan to the bin. So I don't really know what the finished product would have tasted like. I don't really know how to rate this because it may have tasted alright. I won't be buying it again to find out.

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