Sunday, 27 March 2011

Workouts - w/c 21 March, plus new IT band Issue.

I was sick for the first half of the week, and although I still managed to run 22km in total I didn't get to the gym at all.
  • Mon - Sick
  • Tue - Sick
  • Wed - Sick
  • Thurs - 10.5k (right knee/IT band really sore)
  • Fri - Rest (right knee still in pain)
  • Sat - 5.5k (mild knee/IT band pain)
  • Sun - 6.5k (mild knee/IT band pain)
The worst thing is that my right knee/IT band has flared up. I'm having trouble with anything over 4km. This is really frustrating especially as the trouble I've always had with the IT band has previously been in my left leg/knee. I don't know if this is caused by the surfaces I run on, shoes, weak/imbalanced muscles, or something else.

So for the next few weeks I'm going to cut back the length of my runs (after an initial rest I'll start with a 3km limit and build slowly from there) and focus on a combination of resting, strength training (especially the hips) and stretching.

I'm working towards a 10km race in May, so it would be brilliant to have this under control by then. The thing is I have no idea exactly what I did to 'fix' the left leg - It just stopped hurting towards the end of last year and has been fine ever since.

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