Tuesday, 13 December 2011

There's always a plan B

There were a few reasons to avoid running this morning. I went to bed too late on Monday to make getting up at 5:51 realistic, the wind and rain was pretty full on over night, and the bed was way too warm and cosy to possibly consider leaving it until it was absolutely necessary.

So I left for work feeling a tad lame for missing a run.

Fortunately I always keep some shorts and a running top in my backpack, plus I have an old pair of running shoes stored at Mum and Dad's flat. So the decision to run at lunch time was reached. This was going to be difficult because the run-shower-lunch combo in one hour is pretty damn tricky.

the new touchscreen treadmill - with this view you can watch a red line travel around a make-believe trail

I could have gone for a run around the Thames or in one of the London parks, but as it was a bit chilly I thought it'd be best to would be to go to the gym and jump on a treadmill.

When I arrived I saw that the old treadmills had been replaced with er... new treadmills. These have a touch screen, an ipod connector, and a USB port on the front. Very fancy.

I soon figured out how to get the thing working and started my run. I started playing around with the screen and discovered that I could watch a progress line going round a running track, or if I fancied a bit of nature I could watch the line going around a 5km trail course - It was fun to play with the touch screen.

I ran for just over 40 minutes.

at the end you get a summary

Once back at work I noticed that a couple of my toes felt sore. These were the same toes that were hurting after the Tonbridge half-marathon. I have put this down to the treadmill being new and the rubber still being quite sticky. My shoes kept squeaking and I think the stickiness caused my toes to bump into the front of the shoes.

For the record I was only 25 minutes late back to work, and I ate my lunch at my desk.

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