Monday 12 December 2011

Janathon 2012... count me in!

The Janathon 2012 website is now open for us all to register.

For those of you that are not aware what it is, the best source of information is of course the official Janathon website. Before you head over there here are the main rules.

  • You do some form of exercise every day in January
  • You blog about it within 24 hours
  • You log your exercise on the running free website (join the janathon group)

My intention is to run every day in January. If I have a problem with running, whether it be snow, Ice, injury or laziness, I will attempt to do some kind of resistance session instead.

Day one is going to be a special day for running, but I will talk more about that in the blog post on 1 Jan! If I can squeeze in any other special/interesting runs I will do.

If any fellow janathoners feel like joining me for a few miles, I can be found at Riddlesdown parkrun every Saturday morning. Other than that, central London during the week or within a reasonable distance of Tonbridge are possibilities for me. I'm on twitter @copy7t.


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