Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Riddlesdown parkrun seventy-two

My parkrun anti-streak, born out of a rebelion against my year-long parkrun streak, finally came to an end at Riddlesdown event 72.

The rules of the anti-streak stated that I must not do exactly the same thing or combination of things on two consecutive parkrun days. For example, I could run two consecutive weeks but the venue or my volunteering duties would have to change.

At event 72 I did exactly the same as I did at event 71. That is, I ran (with Matilda in the baby jogger 2) and I was credited with volunteering as facebook admin person.

Rain throughout the preceding week had left the course muddier than last week and a last minute batch of heavy rain had ensured that there were plenty of puddles to splash through, which kept Matilda entertained.

I ran a new 'buggy running' Riddlesdown personal best with a time of 26:39. That's about a minute faster than my previous buggy run a week earlier.

We picked up quite a bit of mud during the run and had to spend some time in the car park cleaning the buggy. Unfortunately I wasn't very well prepared for this and didn't have the best cleaning materials so had to make do with some newspaper. Most of the mud came off and we stashed the buggy in the boot ready for its next adventure.

Thanks to Nicki for the photos.

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