Sunday 12 January 2014


Cyclorun is a weekly 5k run on Sundays starting at 8am (arrive at 7.45am for registration). It is free of charge, open to all abilities and takes place on a traffic and dog-free course within the Cyclopark in Gravesend, Kent. They had their first run on Sunday 12 January 2014 and I was there to join in with the fun.

it must be a sign
When you arrive at the Cyclopark you have to pay to park your car. There is a machine just inside the main entrance. It costs £1.

There are toilets, lockers and changing facilities onsite. The lockers require a £1 coin to operate but this is refunded once you have finished using it.

 21 chilly runners all ready to go [photo: Louise Pullen]

Any new runners will need to fill in a quick registration form (today, that meant everyone), and each week the runners that turn up will be allocated a number for that week only to help the organisers allocate the correct finish time to you.

The route is the same as the Cyclopark Christmas Cracker, which I ran a few weeks earlier. It's two laps around their full 2.5km track. Underfoot is beautifully smooth tarmac. It's an undulating course with the hardest of the uphill undulations at the end of each lap (although it is possible that the route could be reversed on occasion, which means the beginning and end of each lap would be downhill).

the end - the cones mark the start/finish line

The Cyclorun has use of the track until 9am, but at that time it opens for cycling so the runners must be finished and off the track. As mentioned in the run briefing, even those that walk the course should be able to complete it within the hour.

After the run there is the option of popping into the Cyclocafe for refreshments, including the £2.99 breakfast offer which I'm told was very nice (thanks, Ian). I only eat raw fruit for breakfast so didn't try any of the food on offer - I didn't really look at the menu, but next time I'll check to see if there are vegetarian or vegan options.

The best way to contact the organisers is via the cyclorun Facebook page. The runners' times will be logged and posted on the facebook page each week after the run.

There are occasions when the cyclopark may be in use for another event. On these weeks the run will still takes place but using the surrounding paths and lanes around the local area. Week four of cyclorun was the first week where this was necessary and the alternative route was very nice indeed.

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