I had a week off of work this week. That meant no access to the gym but an opportunity to do very short runs each day (which shouldn't aggravate my right IT band), and also to use my foam roller throughout each day.
Monday: 4.11km Run ( summary / map ). Foam Roller. IT band tender after run and PM.
Tuesday: 3.84km Run ( summary / map ). Foam Roller. IT band tender at end of run.
Wednesday: 5.05km Run ( summary / map ). Foam Roller. IT band tender but ok.
Thursday: 5.05km Run ( summary / map ). Foam Roller. IT band hurting, reduced to mostly walking after 4.5km. Also threw in about 20 metres of backwards running!
Friday: (Right IT Band felt weird still) No Running, but did a 5 minute session on the foam roller.
Saturday: 4.05km Run ( summary / map ). 15 minutes of foam rolling / Pigeon Pose (yoga). IT Band feeling slightly tender but not really painful.
Sunday: 4.04km Run ( summary / map ). Foam Rolling / Pigeon Pose (yoga). IT band ok.
In retrospect I shouldn't have done two 5k runs back-to-back as the ITBS flared up enough to make me cancel my planned Friday morning run.
Next week I'll be back at work so I'm not sure how the running will work. It would be nice to get 5 x 4km runs done, but I also want to get back to the gym for some weight training.