Sunday, 8 May 2011

Workouts - Week Commencing 2 May 2011

Monday: (May bank holiday)

  • Gym - Chest / Back / Core

  • 6km Treadmill Run (Intervals) Fast at 15.5kmph - 16kmph (3.45 - 3.52 min per km)

  • 3.3km Commute Run ( summary / map )
  • Gym - Chest. Back, Core, Biceps, Triceps

Friday: (Day Off)

  • 100 Pushups (10x10) and a bit of foam rolling / stretching


I made an effort to spend a bit more time using the weights in the gym this week. Also managed to clock up 31.6km's worth of running plus another 12.4km hiking. I think it's been a pretty good week.

During our hike on Friday we passed through Knole Park (where I raced my first 10km, in March) and came across some deer that seemed quite happy for us to get close enough for a quick photo!

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