Sunday, 8 January 2012

The full moon (Janathon day 9)

Starting week two of Janathon 2012 I decided to change things around a little.

this full moon may be from last month (when I say 'may' I mean 'is')

I started with a warm-up jog, which lead me to the playground. Once in the playground I did the following body weight workout.

5 chin-ups / 10 push-ups (feet raised) / 10 squats

I repeated that sequence five times, then I got on the train to work.


3km warm-up jog (19 minutes)
25 chin-ups
50 push-ups (feet raised)
50 squats

At lunchtime I did a very lame core workout featuring the side plank, crunches and another one where I raise my legs until my toes are pointing at the ceiling and then push up from my hips (I'll try to find the name). I didn't count exactly how many sets I did, but each set contained ten reps.

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